Contact Spurzine

Contact Us


We look forward to hearing from you. Please leave us a message or feedback through the contact form below or send us an email to: spur[at] We can only address issues related to Spur Magazine and we may not be affiliated with the sites we write about.

A few things to note before you contact us:

Copyright Concerns

Spurzine does its best to offer credit to all assets used and to vet any content to ensure no copyright or originality is violated. We also endeavour to ensure that our content doesn’t violate any privacy rights concerning personal information or content.

Copyright infringement

Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyright-protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. If Spurzine has violated your copyrights in any way, please feel free to email us at legal[at] or fill out this form and we will respond to your request in due time.

Privacy concerns

For privacy reasons or other concerns, you may have the right to ask for certain personal information or content relating to you or your client to be removed.

When you make your request, we will balance the privacy rights of the individual concerned with the interest of the general public in having access to the information, as well as the right of others to distribute the information. For example, we may decline to remove certain information about financial scams, professional malpractice, criminal convictions, or public conduct of government officials or we could edit the content in the review of your request.

If you are submitting this request on behalf of someone else, you will need to supply identification documentation for them.

Requests for the removal of content from Spurzine should be sent to our email legal[at] with the subject line: “Content Removal Request” specifying which content in particular with a link or links directed to that specific content. You can also use our form to fill out your request which we will review and get back to you in two days.


Welcome to the Spurzine Editorial section which offers guidance on all concerns or any matters regarding editorial requests such as press releases, guest posts, linking opportunities, content collaborations and much more. 

If you have a separate or unique matter that isn’t talked about here, please reach out to us via email at press[at]

A few things to note:

Becoming a Spurzine contributor/writer

If you wish to become a writer with Spurzine, sign up for our Spurzine Writer initiative and our team will respond to you in due time. Please note that the initiative is looking for writers who are ready to deliver/contribute content on a weekly basis and shouldn’t be used as a gateway by those looking to contribute once-in-time content.

We reserve the right to accept or deny any requests made through this platform at our discretion. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us via email: press[at]

Guest writer/post opportunities

We are very selective when it comes to guest writer/post opportunities and often reject most. It is also at our discretion not to accept any guest posts or opportunities presented to us. If you wish to contribute content please reach out to us via email: press[at]

If you’re planning to contribute content regularly as a guest writer, please sign up for our Spurzine Writer initiative and our team will respond to you in due time. However, for those who sign up as guest writers, their content will be forfeited and can be removed if they don’t contribute any content for more than 1 month.

Those interested in paid or sponsored posts/content or anything that relates to advertising, contact us via marketing[at] If you have any other concerns regarding editorial matters, please reach out to us via email: editorial[at]

Linking opportunities

We don’t accept free linking opportunities on our platform or within our content. Those looking for paid link opportunities, reach out to the marketing team at marketing[at]

Please note: We reserve the right to accept or reject offers presented to us.

Press release/story/news/other submissions

If you would like to submit a press release, a story or news to Spurzine, please reach out to us via email: press[at] with subject lines: PRESS RELEASE SUBMISSION for press releases, and STORY IDEA/NEWS SUBMISSION for a story or news submissions respectively.

Music artists/entertainers or record label companies that want to submit press releases or other content (news, releases, album or song reviews etc.) for publication on our platform please reach out to us via this email: entertainment[at]

Please note: We often charge for certain press release publications, especially for those pertaining to conferences, events and other services. If you’re interested in such services please reach out to the marketing team at marketing[at]

Media inquiries

If you are a member of the media and interested in interviewing our experts or executives, please email us at press[at]

Content submission guidelines and other rules

  • We don’t accept gambling or betting-related content on our platform.
  • We don’t accept content that is promotional or directly advertises a product or service unless an understanding is drawn up with the marketing team. For those interested in sponsored/paid posts, we charge $200 per article if it is written by your team and $300 per article if it is written by us. Reach out to the marketing team at marketing[at] for more information.
  • We accept links within the content you provide and also allow do-follow links too as long as they don’t exceed our set limit.
  • Content provided must be natural, unique, between 800-1000 words, and fitting to our audience.
  • We don’t accept content related to or promoting any forms of medicine such as CBD oils or marijuana, to mention but a few.


Welcome to the Spurzine Marketing section which offers guidance on all concerns or any matters regarding marketing requests or opportunities such as advertising, sponsored posts, linking opportunities, and much more.

If you have a separate or unique matter that isn’t talked about here, please reach out to us via email at marketing[at]


Contact us if you need help planning a campaign or advertising on our platform. There is no standard rate card or media kit for campaigns. We customize plans based on the following details:

  • Name of client interested in advertising
  • Target audience
  • Campaign goals
  • Campaign flight
  • Campaign budget (note: minimum of $10k)

Paid-Link Opportunities

We accept paid linking opportunities on our platform but we undertake a review process to determine whether they are of value to us or not. You must also offer a value proposition alongside the reason as to why you need to share or have links placed within our content or website.

Please note:

  • We charge $80/link for paid link opportunities (non-negotiable). Reach out to the marketing team at [] for more information.
  • We reserve the right to accept or reject offers presented to us.

Sponsored/Paid Posts

For those interested in sponsored/paid posts, we charge $200 per article if it is written by your team and $300 per article if it is written by us. Reach out to the marketing team at marketing[at] for more information.

Payment Options

Please note that we don’t accept payments through PayPal but do through Bank Transfer, Mobile Money, Eversend, Cryptocurrency, and other options available to us within our region. If you have any questions regarding payment options, reach out to marketing via marketing[at]


Or just use our simple beautiful form below. We would love to hear from you 🙂