Join the Spurzine Writer Community

Write for Spurzine

Information and media are one of the most influential forms of communication and at Spurzine, we believe this to be very true, which is why we are glad you want to be part of our volunteer writer initiative which aims to give writers a platform where they can express themselves freely.

With a growing community of writers from different parts of the world, we welcome all kinds of content from news, entertainment, gossip, lifestyle, health, sports and much more. It is the story as told by you. We are so super excited to see you right here as you will get to share your stories and content with a wider audience across the globe.

Join the Spurzine Writer Community

Fill in the form below which only takes a minute to complete and our editorial team will get in touch with you shortly.

    You're signing up to be? What Do You Want to Write About? How did you hear about Spurzine's Writer Community?

    In checking the box below, you acknowledge that the Spurzine Writer Community platform/opportunity is a volunteer-run initiative and this is not in any way an employment opportunity. All information you have disclosed is not shared with any external parties unless we explicitly seek your permission to do so. You also agree that you have read and understood the terms above.

    Terms and Agreement

    A few things to note

    1: Creation of a writer account

    If you are successfully approved, you will then be given a writer account on the platform, and we will ask you for some extra information so that we can set it up for you. This is the account you will use to log in and submit your articles after learning the basics of our content style, terms and standards.

    2: Guidance on how to use our platform

    We don’t mind if it is your first time writing or you are a seasoned writer, we will assess and show you the ropes on how to use our CMS, SEO and other important concepts depending on your level of proficiency.

    3: Publishing content on the website

    You are ready to start writing. All content published on the website is reviewed and in some cases edited by our editorial team to meet our quality standards. When you submit your content to Spurzine, you are acknowledging that you have read and agreed to our terms and content quality standards.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    What happens after I’ve submitted my story for review?

    After you submit your content, it is queued and an editor is assigned to review and publish it.

    How long will it take for my story to be published?

    We do our best to publish stories as quickly as possible— but sometimes our average turnaround can be a few hours or a day depending on workload.

    How long should my content be?

    We have found that our community loves to read content that is at least 400 to 600 words. However, you are free to go higher especially when doing long-form informative content

    Is it okay to share content that I published elsewhere?

    Yes, of course, but we highly advise that you let us know first because we have to edit the content and make sure we are not penalized by Google for duplicating content. You also confirm that you have permission to cross-post the content.

    What topics can I write about?

    Anything as long as it meets our writer community standards. You can cover topics or categories ranging from news, technology, entertainment (movies, TV shows etc.), lifestyle, auto, sports, health, and business to mention but a few. Get as creative as you like!

    How often can I write?

    As often as you like, every second, every minute, every day, totally up to you!

    Do I grow in the community?

    Yes. You will gradually grow in the community based on merit and output. You could become a volunteer representative, chapter lead, mentor, etc and recognition for your achievements.