How to Make Your Face Look Gorgeous and Free From Acne Problems | Spurzine

Tired of Struggling With Acne? Then These Skin Care Products Will Help


While makeup can conceal scars and uneven skin tones, it can’t hide acne. Because acne has an all-consuming way of making its presence known, it can be a true source of shame for many people.

If you want to eliminate your issues with acne, know that it takes an intentionally well-rounded approach. You’ll need to examine what you’re eating, your hormones, and more. However, one of the most popular factors to consider is the use of products.

With acne-prone skin, it’s best to use products that topically address the concerns and provide healing. If you’re currently struggling with acne-prone skin, consider these five skin care products that you’ll want to include in your regimen.

1. Foaming Cleanser

When an individual suffers from acne, there’s an urge to scrub the skin clean. However, this is one of the worst approaches to consider. The skin on a person’s face is extremely fragile. As a result, it needs to be handled with care. Many dermatologists recommend the use of a foaming cleanser. Foaming cleansers are typically gentle on the skin. Look for options that contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

A double-cleansing method is an excellent idea to consider as it ensures that the dirt gets extracted from the skin’s outer layer. Look for cleansing balms that are specifically for acne-prone skin. If your skin is acne-prone, you might think it’s best to avoid cleansing balms and cleansing oils.

If you wear makeup, cleansing balms and oils are an excellent first line of attack to remove dirt that’s been on the face all day. Then, follow up that portion with a gentle foaming cleanser.

2. Deep-Cleansing Mask

Look for cleansing masks that contain ingredients like clay. Clay draws the impurities up from underneath the topical layer of the skin. Once you’ve cleansed the skin, add a layer of a clay mask. Bentonite clay is an effective option.

If you add apple cider vinegar and water to the clay mixture, this can improve its ability to soak up excess oil, sebum, and dirt that gets trapped. To achieve the best results, focus on using a deep-cleansing mask no more than three times a week. If you’re using it daily, you’ll dry out your skin.

3. Topical Acne Treatments

While most people know that it’s bad to pop pimples, there’s a certain level of gratification they get from watching the pus come out. Unfortunately, this can lead to scarring. Target the area properly by using a mix of steam cleansing, gentle nudging, and topical acne treatment.

If you know that your pimple is about to burst soon, use a hot washcloth to cover the area. The steam loosens the pores, dirt, and pus. Hold the skin taut to encourage more pus to come out. Then, take two q-tips to gently push out the pus. Once the area is clean, use a topical acne treatment like an acne dot to cover the area. Look for topical acne treatments that contain ingredients like salicylic acid and hydrocolloids for the best results.

4. Pigment Protection

Even with the gentlest approach, it’s not uncommon for the skin to scar. This is why you’ll want to include skin care products that protect your pigment. Look for an effective discolouration serum and an exfoliating serum that brighten the skin as they encourage the production of new skin cells. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30+ to prevent the skin from doing further damage to darken the skin where the pimple was.

5. Non-Drying Moisturizers

How to Make Your Face Look Gorgeous and Free From Acne Problems | Spurzine

For many people, acne and oily skin seem synonymous with each other. This is typically the case because overproduction of oil can lead to acne, whiteheads, and more. When your skin produces a ton of oil, you might assume that you don’t need to moisturize.

Don’t make the mistake of drying out your skin by skipping the moisturizing step. Instead, focus on moisturizers that are formulated for oily, acne-prone skin. Look for moisturizers that won’t clog the pores, but they’ll provide enough moisture to prevent the skin from feeling like it needs to activate an overproduction of oil.

In addition to using these products, see a dermatologist or a holistic skin care therapist who can help you address the root of the issue. By the time the acne flares up on your face, it’s typically a symptom of a deeper issue.

Many holistic doctors consider acne a result of internal inflammation. By curating an anti-inflammatory diet, dealing with internal issues, and using the right skincare products, you’ll eventually fine-tune a regimen that produces glowing results.


Check out: Doing These 4 Simple Things Will Give Your Skin a Youthful Glow

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McKenzie Jones

McKenzie is your typical Midwestern gal. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found training for her next half-marathon, baking something sweet, playing her guitar, or cuddling up with her golden retriever, Cooper. She loves watching football, the fall weather, and long road trips.

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