Guns for Self-Defense: What to Know Before You Buy | Spurzine

Guns for Self-Defense: What to Know Before You Buy


In today’s world, violence is all around you on a daily basis. Along with unprovoked shootings at schools and businesses, more and more people are finding themselves to be victims of home invasions. Because of this, you may now be looking to buy a gun for self-defence.

Instead of becoming the next statistic, here are some things to keep in mind as you prepare to buy yourself a gun for your own protection. Though, it should be noted that getting access to a gun or weapons in some countries is so difficult you’re better off keeping a panga or cane on the side instead.

.22 Caliber

If you want a rifle that is known for being an excellent self-defence weapon, many experts believe you can’t go wrong with a .22 calibre gun. Easy to handle, able to get the job done, and surprisingly affordable, a .22 calibre rifle can give you and your family the protection you need in a life-threatening situation. Best of all, you can get a .22 calibre rifle that is semiautomatic, lever-action, or bolt-action.

Don’t Get a .30-30 Winchester

If you have your heart set on purchasing a .30-30 Winchester lever-action gun for self-defence, you may actually be making a mistake. Although it’s a great rifle and handles easily, the .30 calibre cartridge it uses is longer, meaning you have less leverage.

As a result, any follow-up shots you may need to fire will come out slower than you would need in a situation where seconds could mean the difference between life and death.

Powerful, but Not Too Powerful

When you are searching for a self-defence gun, remember that your goal is to get a rifle that is powerful enough to give you a high level of protection, but not one that is so powerful that you may have trouble controlling it when under duress.

To ensure you don’t have any problems such as these, you may want to buy a gun that is a pistol-calibre lever-action model. You may also consider adding accessories to your gun to make it even easier to use. Sites like Tombstone Tactical can help you find the best options.

9mm Carbine

If you are not extremely accurate when shooting a handgun and instead think a rifle may be better for self-defence, consider getting a 9mm carbine like a Ruger Precision or Kel-Tec SUB2000 .40 as your go-to rifle when being threatened. These guns pack plenty of punch, yet also have very limited recoil when discharged. Best of all, they are very accurate under any conditions, meaning the chances you will hit your target will be very high.

When you think about it, this may be the most important purchase you make in your lifetime. Therefore, take many factors into consideration, seek out expert advice, and be willing to try out different types of rifles to find one in which you’ll have full confidence regarding self-defence.


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Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.

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