Boda Boda Riders Protesting Over Lockdown Conditions | Spurzine

Boda Boda Riders Protesting Over Lockdown Conditions


Uganda’s Boda Boda riders have taken to the streets to demand change after facing so much strife over the current lockdown restrictions, which have made their mode of travel and business operations very difficult these past four months.

As of Thursday, the boda boda riders protested the continued government restrictions on their operations, asking for changes to be made so that they can at least resume work. However, on Monday, Sevo made it clear that boda riders weren’t to be exempted from the current restrictions and were not to transport any passengers.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected many businesses, including the motorcycle riders who have faced it rough too during this trying period and are asking President Museveni to kindly consider their plight and allow them to resume normal operations.

The government is still restricting the motorcycle riders from transporting passengers due to the fear of spreading the coronavirus, and are only allowing them to carry cargo at the moment until the situation calms down.

We’re not sure whether the government will listen to the concerns of the motorcycle riders, as there’s still a slim chance they will be allowed to resume normal operations anytime soon.

Boda boda riders protesting due to the government restrictions

It should be noted that many boda riders within the country are breadwinners for their families, and if the situation remains as the way it is right now, there are high chances of crime rates rising since many are left without work unable to feed their families back home.

We don’t know how long the protests will last but as of the moment, Ugandans have been asked to continue observing social distancing, make use of sanitizers, and follow other set guidelines to help combat the deadly COVID-19 virus.

People have also been asked by the Ministry of Health to wear their face masks at all times most especially when moving in crowded places and to ensure they wash their hands with soap and hand sanitizers every time they touch surfaces.


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Allan Bangirana

Allan Bangirana is a freelance writer for Newslibre & Spurzine. He is passionate about tech, and games and occasionally writes about entertainment, lifestyle and so much more.

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