The Genesis of Kayihura and Tumukunde Beef - Spur Magazine

The Genesis of Kayihura and Tumukunde Beef


Following the sucking of Gen. Kale Kayihura and Lt. Gen. Henry Tumukunde, Ugandans had for some time witnessed the security interagency rivalry which has left the country in one of its worst insecurity eras. The most notable one of these battles being between the Uganda Police and Internal Security Organization (ISO).

These battles were mainly instigated by the two leaders of these agencies as Kayihura (former Assistant Inspector General of Police) and Tumukunde (former head of ministry of security that governs ISO) had for so long never been on the same page on many issues.

The two were a cancer in Uganda’s security that muzeeyi (Museveni) failed to notice in its early stages. The beef between the two dates back to a 2003 retreat in Kyankwanzi when Tumukunde then an army MP openly criticized his boss for the abolition of presidential term limits.

This was a move that pissed off Museveni as Tumukunde was part of his inner circle as he is married to the first lady’s niece. Tumukunde was on Museveni’s radar and had to be dealt with strategically a circumstance that required the former super minister Amama Mbabazi and late Brig. Noble Mayombo to execute.

Also read: Sevo Kicks Out Kale Kayihura

Mayombo and Mbabazi drafted harsh clauses in the UPDF Act that would deal with Tumukunde once and for all. Which clauses would be passed in a 2005 parliamentary sitting that included section 137. As this section clearly cited that spreading of harmful propaganda mounts to death penalty or life imprisonment.

Tumukunde would later on fall culprit to these clauses as he would go to two radios CBS and Radio One and air out his views against the removal of presidential term limits. The ground for his downfall had been set with only an executioner missing who would be Kale Kayihura.

Kayihura with the need to fall in favor with Museveni had to put Tumukunde in cuffs and also oversee his prosecution in the army court martial. As a consequence, Tumukunde was withdrawn from his parliamentary seat as Kayihura enjoyed the echelons as the second military man to be the Inspector General of Police.

Blood was drawn in 2005 as Tumukunde had to go through years of trial and incarceration. On April 2013, the charge of spreading harmful propaganda was dropped while the charge of military misconduct was upheld and sentenced to a severe reprimand.

On September 1st 2015, Tumukunde was promoted to Lieutenant General and then retired on what is known to have been a request by the president himself. Tumukunde too seemed to have got back into Museveni’s inner circle as he effectively dealt with Amama Mbabazi towards the 2016 elections.

As a reward for his actions, Museveni appointed him the minister of national security. A position in which he would finally get to face his old foe Kayihura. What followed was a chunk of unsolved murders, increased criminality within security organs and undefined jurisdiction of operation between organs.

Museveni had to settle the squabbles by taking out the people responsible by replacing Kayihura with his deputy Okoth Ochola as Inspector General of Police and Tumukunde with renowned Gen. Elly Tumwine.


Elvis Rodney is a talented freelance author for Newslibre and Director of Marketing at innovware. He loves writing about Sports, Entertainment and Political issues across the world.

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